On the horizon:
What is Solid today, and where could we be headed?

Jesse Wright, Inrupt

Solid Project

On the horizon:

What is Solid today,
and where could we be headed?

Jesse Wright

About Me

⚠️ Disclaimer


A Solid foundation: What do we have today?

What are people doing with Solid today?

What are people doing with Solid today?

What are people doing with Solid today?

Where are some difficulties?

What solutions can we use to find data today?

What solutions can we use to understand data today?

Solid Project Solid Project Solid Project

What are shapes?

PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>
shape <#PostalAddress> {
    schema:streetAddress schema:Text [1..1]
    schema:addressLocality schema:Text [1..1]
    schema:addressRegion schema:Text [1..1]
    schema:addressCountry schema:Country [1..1]
    schema:postalCode schema:Text [1..1] pattern="^\\d{5}(-\\d{4})?$"

How can you help today?

What is a shapes repository?

What is a shapes repository?

What is a shapes repository?

Which difficulties can we solve today?

What's on the horizon?

What are these views of?

What are these views of?

A seamless transition

A seamless transition

A seamless transition to data integration

Back(door) to the future: Extension APIs for Solid

Which difficulties can we solve today?

Solidifying Solid: Standardising extension APIs

Danger ahead!

Envisioning the far future: A Web of Rules and Data

What does this dialogue look like?

What does this dialogue look like?

Envisioning the far future: A Web of Rules and Data

Back on track

Grass - Green Grass Vector Png@clipartmax.com

If you have one takeaway...

